Free range poultry

We stock chickens from Rod Adlington (Adlington Poultry)and Robert Mercer (Packington Free Range). They’re family run businesses whose farming ethos compliments ours. We've worked with them for many years. We have long-standing relationships, and we know we can rely upon their quality and service.

Adlington chickens and turkeys

Rod's chickens are all free range. In their own paddocks dedicated entirely to the birds, the chickens are housed in open polytunnels and are allowed to roam freely between the cosy tunnels within their protected paddocks. These are wire protected by electric fencing to keep out predators such as foxes and other unwanted guests.

These slow growing chickens are brooded to 4 weeks before moving to their free range field at 4 weeks old. Here they will stay and until they are 63-65 days old, enjoying their freedom and open space. The whole farm is in the middle of a very large old country estate, with very well-draining land, surrounded by ancient woodland. For each new flock, the polytunnels are moved by tractor to a new site within the paddocks to ensure fresh ground for the chickens.

Packington chickens

These chicks arrive on Packington Farm in small groups, at just one day old. They’re housed in special sheds that have plenty of warm bedding, heating and good ventilation. As the birds grow, the heater is turned down to ensure they become strong and able to adjust to the weather conditions outside.

At about 3 weeks old, once the birds are strong enough, the shed doors are opened, and the birds are free to roam on the range to their heart’s content. In the evening they’re brought back into safety to protect them from nighttime predators, such as foxes.

All Packington free range chickens roam free on established English pasture, consisting of various grasses and clovers, with strategically placed perches and shelters offering shade, food and water. It’s an idyllic setting and one which every Packington free range bird experiences in its lifetime.

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