Beef Rump Joint

Beef Rump Joint


Guide price:  



A prime cut of our pasture fed beef, a tender joint which will be rolled from the hind of our cattle only using the rump cut. Will contain a nice covering of fat across the joint which will help keep the meat tender and juicy when roasted. Very easy to cook to a medium or rare level

About our beef

Our outdoor reared cattle graze on our organic pastures throughout winter and summer with no additional grain. This is just one example of how Fordhall’s herd is set apart from the conventional. With no added fertilisers, no routine antibiotics or hormones, and no other animal feeds, our cattle grow and mature stress free as they would naturally.

A wholly grass fed diet has been proven to increase concentrations of the essential fatty acids Omega 3 and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in beef which play an essential role in metabolism.

This Week's Beef:

Breed: Aberdeen Angus

Origin: UK

Matured for: 29 days

Ear Tag Number: UK303918300672